
About Dunlop Baxter

Based in Vancouver British Columbia – Serving the the Province since 2003

For candidates

Our Story

One of the first things I noticed when I joined Dunlop Baxter was the passion our teams have for helping SMEs to grow. This isn’t just work – it’s something we really care about.

We believe every business has the potential to grow. They just need the right support around them to make this happen.

Dunlop Baxter was formed 10 years ago, and since this time, the needs of our customers have changed significantly. Though the way in which we help SMEs to grow has also changed, our commitment to going the extra mile in helping SMEs to take on new orders, expand into new markets or take advantage of new opportunities has been consistent.

We’re not content with simply funding businesses. We’re committed to working with them to overcome barriers to growth, putting into practice our 10 years’ of experience so that we can succeed together. It’s for this reason we recruit, develop and keep great people who live our values and demonstrate a passion for supporting our customers every day

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For candidates

Why choose us?

We want to contribute positively to local communities and play our part in creating a sustainable future for generations to come. We’re one team connecting and collaborating with the world around us to work towards better outcomes for all.

It’s this belief in a wider purpose of business that drives us forward and enables us to positively connect with our customers, and the communities in which will live and work

Darwin Bleach
Manging Partner

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